February 21, 2010

  • Question 235 - The Hefele Keating Experiment and Geocentrism

    Dear Robert,

    Thank your for your work on Geocentrism...it is greatly appreciated and you have done a fine job, especially with Volume I.


    In my college Physics book "Physics" by Cutnell/Johnson, 3rd edition on Page 905 the connection b/n MM and Einstein is drawn out. I only quote it b/c it might be useful to you:


    During the years 1883 - 1887, however, the American scientists A. A. Michelson and e. W. Morley carried out a serious of famous experiments whose results were not consistent with the ether theory. Their results indicated that the speed of light is indeed the same in a inertial reference frames and does not depend on the motion of the observer relative to the source of the light. These experiments, and others, led eventually to the demise of the ether theory and the acceptance of the theory of relativity.


    My question is in regards to the "verification of time dilation" and how it is explained with geocentirism:


    A striking confirmation of time dilation was achieved in 1971 by an experiment carried out by J. C. Hafele and R. E. Keating. They transported very precise cesium-beam atomic clocks around the world on commercial jets. Since the speak of a jet is considerably less than c, the time-dilation effect is extremely small. However, the atomic clocks were accurate to about +- 10^-9s, so the effect could be measured. The clocks were in the air for 45 hours, and their times were compared to a reference atomic clocks kept on earth. The experimental results revealed that within experimental error, the readings on the clocks on board the planes were different from those on earth by an amount that agreed with the prediction of relativity.


    Time dilation has also been confirmed with experiments using subatomic particles called muons. These particles are created high in the atmosphere, at altitudes of about 10,000m. When at rest, muons are short-lived, existing for a time of about 2.2x10^-6s before disintegrating into other particles. With such a short lifetime, these particles could never make it down to the earth's surface, even if they traveled close to the speed of light. However, a large number of muons do reach the earth. The only way they can do so is to live longer because of time dilation. Page 909


    I don't think they prove relativity, because, these examples seem to prove absolute motion, first of the jet, then the muron. But how can it be explained if time is not dilated?


    Thank you!



    R. Sungenis: Rick, we have a section in Galileo Was Wrong, Volume 1, on both the Hefele-Keating (HK) experiment (see Appendix 5) and the case of the muon. It will show you how HK “adjusted” their results to fit Relativity theory. But ever if there was a discrepancy between the two directions, it doesn’t prove Relativity. HK may have thought they measured “time-dilation” because they had already dispensed with ether and replaced it with Relativity. In that sense, HK were begging the question, since they were only using as proof the very thing they were trying to prove. Like everyone else, they interpreted the Michelson-Morley experiment as “null” because they already assumed, without proof, that the earth was moving 18.5km/sec. The reality is, however, that the universe and its ether is rotating around the earth, and as such, the ether will create a slight resistance for the decay of the cesium atoms. The universe is rotating east to west with its ether, so when HK flew their plane from west to east they created a greater resistance to the decay of the cesium atoms than when they flew east to west. Hence, time wasn’t dilated; rather; the cesium atoms decayed at different rates depending on which direction the clock was flown.


    As for the muon or meson, here is an excerpt from GWW, on page 176 of the fifth edition:


    The problem with this explanation, of course, is that identical to the “A or B” paradox Dingle demonstrated, the principle of role reversal in Special Relativity will not allow its attempt to secure a preferred frame of reference, namely, the ground-based observer. Relativity purports that time is slowed for the ground-based observer but not the meson-based observer, but this would only be the case if it could somehow be proven that the ground or Earth was immobile, and thus the privileged frame, but it certainly cannot. Again, Relativity, by what appears to be a sort of shell game with the audience, appeals to the principle of a fixed Earth in order to support a relative universe. This paradox demonstrates the hopeless quagmire into which Relativity theory is forced. To speak of “moving clocks slowing down” really means nothing of significance since Relativity neither has a means to prove the object against which the clock is supposedly moving, nor does it have a standard clock from which to judge the time of the moving clock.

    Interestingly enough, in the article “The ‘Time Dilation’ of Mesons Re-Examined,” D. T. MacRoberts turns the tables and shows the geocentric results of the meson experiments:


    The high-velocity experiments on mesons such as those at CERN, are definite evidence of the mesons’ lifetimes functional relationship to their velocity with respect to the Earth, but have nothing whatsoever to do with the “time dilation” of Special Relativity. The experiments also are yet another “ether-drift” investigation with the usual answer: the velocity of the Earth with respect to a fundamental frame is zero.